A substation has several electrical equipment like transformers, lightning arrestors, capacitors etc. These equipment are connect with each other and form some junction points. Due to the flow of over current, over voltage or surges these junction point get over heated and might get damage, which can even damage the equipment and situation of blackouts can occur. Other reasons for equipment damage can be insulation breakdown of internal parts or spark due to loose connections which can generate overheating. Due to all these reasons a substation face problems like low voltages, equipment burnout, aging etc. which increases maintenance cost. To check the healthiness of equipment a regular monitoring and maintenance is required.
SparkView System by AccuOpt is an availing solution for monitoring substation. This system has thermal + visual camera, the thermal camera detects the hot-spots and visual camera helps in detecting the exact location of the generated hot-spot. The Camera systems comes with PTZ unit (Pan-Tilt & Zoom) through which it can rotate 360° and tilt in the range of -85° to +40°, the visual camera is provided with 20x optical zoom.

Software Features
This complete camera system is connected with a PC installed with SparkView software. SparkView software comes with several features like PTZ control, alarm and alerts on hot-spot detection, charts and analytics features for data analysis.


SparkView system will be mounted over pole or a wall at the height above all the equipment. The camera will provide output over Ethernet cable, which will be directed towards the control room having PC with SparkView Software. With the help of pan and tilt system we can cover the maximum area of the substation.
Advantages of SparkView System
- By Using AccuOpt’s SparkView System we can monitor a substation 24/7 hrs.
- It is a completely automatic system so reduces the personnel entrance in substation area.
- Provide email and SMS alerts so user can monitor the generated hot-spots remotely also.
- Analytics trends for monthly report generation.
- Alarms and alerts signals on detecting hot-spots.